In practice, the presence of "fake mortgage", an analysis of" false mortgage "nature, the effectiveness of contracts, liability, targeted" false mortgage "preventive measures. 针对实践中存在的大量假按揭问题,分析了假按揭的性质、合同的效力、法律责任,针对性提出假按揭的防范措施。
It is necessary to bring legislation to the practical application of general liability mortgage, floating guarantee and the guarantee for the transfer of liability. 一般债权质押、浮动担保、一般债权让与担保在实践中运用广泛,均有立法必要性。
By the banks should be the first insurance to the identity of the person involved in insurance law, and called mortgage on futures house mortgage insurance system should actively learn from foreign experience of developed countries, expand the scope of liability insurance. 提出了银行应该以第一被保险人的身份参与保险法律关系,并主张期房按揭贷款保险制度应积极借鉴国外发达国家经验,拓展保险责任范围。
Different with traditional mortgage loans and secured loans, group loans needs no additional mortgage loans and external security. but because of its internal mechanisms of joint and several liability, to produce an invisible collateral effects. 和传统抵押贷款及担保贷款方式不同,团体贷款理论上不需额外的抵押和外部担保,而是由于其内部连带责任机制,能够产生一种无形的抵押效果。